Well, Tuesday is moving day... unbelievable.
It's harder than I thought it would be to say goodbye to the friends I have made here and even the city itself. I feel like I have made the most of my year here. Durham is a really cool place. I am going to miss i t. I also made some really amazing friends here. It's almost like going to camp. You have an experience for a short amount of time that nothing else will ever be like. There's no year that will be like this one. Not only do I just mean working in the hospital, but also the people, the sites, the independence of living alone. I had someone write me a card today, that said they admired me for my independence. Well... I'm not sure that's ever happened! haha.
In the health update, I went to the doctor on tuesday and I have absolutely no leaking from my valve repair. This is great news. I got an all around good report. So, how do I feel? Well, I'm still tired and I really wish my stamina were better, but it will just take time. I'm hoping to do a little bit of cardiac rehab to get back to where I want to be physically. I am still in pain, which I was informed by the docs is going to last awhile (months). Apparently, the surgery I had (although minimally invasive) actually leaves people in pain for a longer period of time. My cardiologist said that people tend to complain about pain longer than they do with the open heart surgery! What? I know, I find it hard to believe.... that is until I wake up and get a sharp pain through my shoulder and then I think... it's plausible. Most of all, I am grateful that I am healthy and the future looks very bright.
A new adventure begins.
Being at Duke again, with Riley in the hospital is NOT going to be the same without seeing you!